5 Temmuz 2012 Perşembe


Back in GRAD LIFE I always relished social opportunities to interact with physics students. After the first 25 seconds of conversation when you've been forced to establish your disciplinary commitments, there is usually a somewhat awkward lull heavier than dark matter itself. I found that a way out of this was talking about the sitcom The Big Bang Theory. Turns out, with my limited sample set, this is usually a good topic of conversation with physics students because they realize that no one gives a fuck about anything they do and its the best PR they've got (that or physics dudes were just excited to talk to a girl outside of their department).

Oh, those poor physics grads, toiling away although nothing has happened in their field for so long, and all they've got to argue about is string theory (more proof that everything I know about physics I learned from aforementioned sitcom). Do a google image search for "sexy physicist" and you'll find Calista Flockhart on the first page and Stephen Hawking on the second; not much to dispel the stereotype of the tragically unattractive geek.

BUT hey, smug social science and humanity grads, with all this buzz about Higgs boson the flow of campus social capital has been irreconcilably disrupted. When is the last time you did anything that fundamentally changed our most basic understandings of the ENTIRE UNIVERSE? No, Toward an Sociology of Extraterrestrials would not count.

This shit puts the sex back in physics, hopefully to be reallocated from critical and film theory, if there is any justice in the universe.  Loyal readers of TYCDIGS, go find a physicist and show your appreciation, physically. Wouldn't we all like to start here?

Although perhaps Chairlift called this sea change with their [choose your own adventure] video earlier this year about all the parallel universe in which their singer Caroline is a sexy yet charmingly doe-eyed PhD student rocking GRAD LIFE.

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