16 Nisan 2012 Pazartesi


Another letter from yet another loyal reader!
My question for you is a two parter - 
a) must i wait for sex bruises to completely fade before getting laser epilationand b) is the brazillian the new tramp stamp? Especially given the semi-permanent nature of laser epilation?
Kind Regards, 
A Curious Office Worker 

Dear A COW,
This is a very important question. Thank you for giving TYCDIGS the opportunity to engage in a distracting research question with non-rigorous research methods!
Regarding part a) ... As you are a north American of Catholic European ancestry living in a predominantly Muslim country, naturally your first instinct might be to preserve the snowflake-white reputation that us white girls have come to enjoy, and, indeed, deserve. It may seem that going in for a laser appointment while you are decorated with a variety of "sex bruises" would be an embarrassing or inappropriate move. But I am sorry to say, A COW, they are on to us, and they are on to you too.  

Two possible solutions:  1) wear a wedding ring or 2) claim you were daggered.

But do not forget the possibility that the laser attendant is not judgmental but instead jealous.   That laser is mad painful, and if the bitch suspects you're getting more than your fair share of quality sexy-time, she could give you a few extra zaps on your fundament.

Regarding part b) ... I have polled the audience on this one, following up with in depth questioning. Let me break this down by gender. Women have overwhelmingly responded that you should do what you feel comfortable with. That sounds like something women would say.  Some men seem to think you should just take it all off and argue at the same time that tramp stamps can be quite sexy in context. hyfr! But this is my favorite, and most descriptive, reply:
you just need to be conservative
with how much you take off
so, something wide enough to not be a strip?
The place you want the hair gone is the actual vagina
the mons pubis can be a jungle
just leave the pudendum bare
okay, I gotta pass out though
"Something wide enough not to be a strip" - sounds like a good standard. Sexy in the short-term, and yet in the long-term there you have plausible deniability - you were a lap swimmer and not a tramp.



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